After participating in the Pachamama Alliance Game Changer Intensive,
I asked myself this question…
Who am I now?
I am the same, at the core.
It’s my perspective that’s shifted
So that when the voice in my head says
Who do you think you are
Trying to change these things
You don’t know the language
You won’t be able to articulate the argument
You can’t compete with big money power
Who’s going to listen to you
These are not the skills you have
Your efforts will be like a drop in the bucket
I can center myself in the moment and
take a deep breath
and from this place
at the edge of my courage
I’m doing what needs to be done
I’m learning the language
It’s not a debate
Not a competition
Someone will listen because we are many in this together
developing new skills
filling thousands of buckets with our efforts.