The weather notice on my phone
is telling me
"It's perfectly clear right now"
So my mind responds -
perfectly clear to whom?
Not to me I'm afraid
And exactly WHAT is it that's perfectly clear?
When one is feeling overwhelmed
with the political landscape, the climate crisis
and the myriad daily issues percolating in front of me -
it requires great effort to see what's clear
Maybe what's clear is the background
against which all of these issues
are playing out
Maybe it can be comforting to know
that clarity can be seen behind
the fast moving pieces
I often find difficult to grasp
Perhaps one can choose which to focus on
Perhaps this background is the constant,
a particular aspect of living
one can trust and have faith in
We do need some solid base
from which to navigate, to take a stand,
to rest in when we're overwhelmed
and exhausted
I suspect that it's from this perspective
that clarity arises and gives us
the energy we need to keep moving forward
toward a day when it is perfectly clear.