Nineteen children this time dead We are not at war We’re just having a normal day sending our kids to school Something is terribly wrong when nineteen children don’t come home and are shot to pieces instead So what the fuck do you think that is? It’s not mental illness It’s not that we don’t love our children It’s about making money and preserving power What will it take for us to realize that we really can be a loving and compassionate people? How to turn from the direction we are heading? What medicine cures the sickness now afflicting our politics? How to make politicians realize it’s in their interest to do whatever works to prevent further mass murder of children? It sickens me even to ask these questions. The answers cannot be to sell or buy more guns We are not going to ask that teachers be armed because no one else is standing up to protect our children. Nor can it be just offering thoughts and prayers There were 78 incidents of gun violence in our schools this year The answers are really quite easy We know what works to limit gun violence but it means electing politicians who think that controlling gun violence is worth the effort. Difficult to imagine that this would be a challenge for them or that it would not be worth doing WHATEVER IT TAKES! But there it is.
Tag Archives: The children
Another Day of Murder
Filed under Prose and Poetry