This blog is offered in service to those involved in the giving, receiving, training and future of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. It is begun with the intention of keeping the door open to the essence of this work.
Take a moment to look again at the title:
YOGA – Many have some idea, but some may find themselves hanging on to only one limb, when there are, in fact, eight limbs of yoga available to support them.
THERAPY – An encounter with Wikipedia reveals the “attempted remediation of a health problem.” Then “remediation” referred to “remedy” – defined as a “treatment that relieves or cures a disease.” Consider what might be the dis-ease for which yoga may offer a relief or cure. Leaving that for you to ponder…
EXPERIENCE – Well, it’s pretty much what’s happening now for you, isn’t it? Or, in other words, it refers to all that you are taking in through your senses, your body, your emotions, your thoughts, and, perhaps, that sense of something beyond your immediate self – whatever that might be. The point being that it’s bigger than what you hold in your mind or in some part of your body!
So…Has your curiosity been peaked? If so, it’s worth remembering that one doesn’t need a diagnosis in order to benefit from Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy – unless “Curiosity” is a diagnosis. Who knows, it may well be…