A Ukrainian child died tonight. An abrupt shattering of a young life We should all mourn this sweet soul But before tears fall for this one innocent Look again - There's another shot and killed, one who has starved to death, another raped and murdered. And more. Sadly many more. How many you ask. More than enough One is too many and none can be explained away. How to explain the Corrupt Power that causes this to happen? What kind of hate kills children? I want to ask the Russian soldiers - What do you get from killing children? What is your reward? Do you really believe these are child Nazis? Do you have children of your own? I was a child during the Cold War times We hid under our desks in school during drills preparing us for a nuclear attack. I recall thinking if I could just talk to Khrushchev I might make him understand such a war should never be A child's fantasy Now in this time of Hot War I see that Corrupt Power does not listen to children Corrupt Power does not listen to anyone Corrupt Power hears only the hollow echo of its own voice. A Ukrainian child died tonight.
But the Children…
Filed under Prose and Poetry
Thanks, Carol…I felt this deeply…Love you.