A phrase captures my attention and before I can register the intention behind it My mind carries it off to places I didn't ask to go to "Inclining the heart" is one such phrase. I expect that my mind will make up a story to embellish the phrase and yet I am convinced that this is not the mind's business. Inclining the heart happens when the whole body leans into, pivoting to lend the weight of our core to the task or issue at hand. The mind just needs to quiet itself and be present to what's happening. Most important is that the heart need only begin with a softening toward. A full-court press is not required. You needn't wait until all your ducks are in alignment. Turn toward and allow. You can tell when this happens because the chatter dissolves, along with the judgments, the stories and the what ifs. They don't stay away forever. And should they intrude and distract, which they will, claim your heart space as your center. Take a deeper breath, lean in and see what happens.